Have a question?
Please feel free to e-mail with any questions relating to the ETO program.
What is ETO?
Equal Technology Opportunities (ETO) is a K-12 initiative to develop equal learning opportunities for all students through the support of technology. ETO strives to promote innovative instructional strategies that provide an environment for creativity and engagement. All students, grades K-12, are assigned an iPad for digital learning.
Do all students K-12 receive an iPad?
Yes. In grades K-5, all students receive an iPad with case. In grades 6-12, all students receive an iPad with keyboard/case combo.
Will students be able to print from the iPads?
Yes. Greencastle-Antrim SD utilizes a solution called PaperCut Mobility Print to provide print access for mobile devices through our network. As so long as the iPad joins our secure GASD WiFi network, students may print using their username and password.
What are the disciplinary measures for misuse? / Can a student have a device taken?
iPads are property of the school district. Therefore, regard for the iPad will be treated as any other district property. Should accidental or intentional damage occur, students will be held responsible at the discretion of the building principal(s), and/or district administration. Disciplinary action may include revocation of device privileges at various times during the school day, including the prohibition of taking the iPad home for use. You may find more information in our “Agreement for iPad Use” on the ETO website.
Can parents and/or students say no to ETO?
No. The iPad will be treated as any other district educational resource (i.e. textbooks, notebooks, etc.). Students may be expected to use the device throughout the various subjects taught in grades K-12. Students, may however, elect not to take the device home. In this instance, students may choose to keep their device at school for overnight charging. Students will be responsible for bringing their device to class in those subjects where the device use is required.
My child already has a computer at home, why do I need another one?
Teachers and support staff need to know that the device has the expected software and hardware capabilities so that they can fully embrace a change in the learning environment that pervasive computing technology offers them. If every child has a different computer and software, it would make it difficult for teachers to manage the classroom and to have the same expectations for each student. A key concept of ETO is to equalize technology opportunities for all students.
Are other members of the household permitted to use the device?
No. The district owned iPad has been assigned to individual students. Any work or internet traffic conducted on the iPad will be associated with the assigned student. The iPad’s use must still adhere to Board Policy 815: Acceptable Use of Internet.
How and where should devices be charged?
For those devices going home, we recommend charging in a common area where parental/guardian supervision is easily maintained. Should students elect to keep their devices at school, a designated location will be available for overnight/secure charging (i.e. library). For more information, please see our “Agreements for iPad Use” located on the ETO website.
Are there policies for taking photo or video?
Yes. Of course, common sense, moral ethics should be exercised when using the device. Students are responsible for following the already pre-existing rules set forth in the school code of conducts, as well as board policies. For more information, please see our “Agreements for iPad Use” located on the ETO website.
Can students use personal Apple IDs with the devices?
Students are not permitted to use personal Apple IDs on the devices.
Are headphones provided?
No. Few exceptions exist, as there are various classrooms that have headphones available for use. Overall, we recommend the consideration to “bring your own headphones” should students find headphones are needed. Standard 3.5mm headphones may be purchased at several retailers including the dollar store, Amazon, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, etc.
Are students permitted to stream / download music?
Yes. Students are expected to use good judgement, as all content and material must still adhere to the code of conduct, and board policies. Apps must be downloaded through the district’s “Self-Service” portal which may be found on the iPad.
Will a BYOD still be permitted?
No. As each student will be assigned an iPad, we are discontinuing the BYOD program. Is the keyboard required to be on the iPad at all times? No. Students are, however, responsible for the care of the keyboard as well as the iPad. The keyboard offers screen protection as a natural design of the case/keyboard combo.
What if the student misplaces the keyboard?
Students are responsible for the care of the keyboard. Students and/or Parents/Guardians may be invoiced for replacement costs of the keyboard.
Are students provided a stylus?
No. The district has purchased a small supply of Logitech Crayons (stylus) for student use. These devices will be maintained via the library in a check in/out manner. We recommend the use of Logitech Crayon or Apple Pencil only, as other stylus devices may unintentionally damage the iPad.
Are stickers/markings allowed on the cases, or chargers?
Stickers that leave residue or permanent marks are not permitted. Permanent marker and/or pen is not permitted to be used on the device. It is recommended that only the district labels (i.e. asset tags) are placed on the device. Any personalization to the device case, or wallpaper, must not be a distraction to the educational setting and must adhere to the code of conduct and board policies.
Does the district use a learning management system (LMS)?
Teachers are encouraged to use Schoology as the LMS of choice for grades 3-12.
In grades K-2, Seesaw is used as the Primary School's LMS.
By standardizing on a single LMS, students and teachers can expect a consistent digital classroom experience.
Are students permitted to use the devices in public areas (i.e. lunch, study halls)?
Grades 6-12: Yes. The iPad will be treated as a learning resource, much like a textbook or notebook. However, there may be times where the use of the device is not appropriate. For example, devices should be clear of any food or liquids. Also, if use of the device is not permitted by the teacher, students should adhere to any classroom rules or teacher direction.
Grades K-5: No. iPads are used within the classroom, or learning spaces, and at the used at the discretion of the teacher.
Is there a buyback option?
At this time, a buyback option is not available. We will continue to evaluate the potential of a buyback program for future years.
What happens if the screens break, or if the device stops working?
Damages or device issues should be reported immediately to a district teacher, principal or technician. Protocols for submitting a student help desk ticket will be communicated during the iPad deployment. Repairs must be completed by the district technology department’s approved process, and may not be completed by 3rd parties (i.e. BestBuy, self-repair, etc.).
Do students get to keep the devices over the summer or breaks?
Yes. Students in grades 6-12 are permitted to take the device home over summer, holiday and calendar breaks. Students in grades K-5 will leave the iPads in their homerooms for Summer storage.
What if the device is stolen?
Theft or loss must immediately be reported to the district. A police report must also be filed by the Parent/Guardian. Students and/or Parents/Guardians are responsible for the care of the device and may be charged the full value for a replacement.
What are the privacy settings?
Apple is committed to user privacy. You may find Apple’s privacy policies here:
The district also follows protocols regarding FERPA, and COPPA. Students are encouraged to use password protection measures to ensure data security.
Are students permitted to customize the wallpapers, or alert tones?
Yes. Any personalization to the device case, or wallpaper, must not be a distraction to the educational setting and must adhere to the code of conduct and board policies.
Are students permitted to use password protection (i.e. pin codes) for securing the iPad?
Yes. Students are encouraged to use password protection measures to ensure data security.
Are students permitted to use their own accessories?
Students must keep their devices in the district provided case at all times. Students may use 3rd party accessories such as storage devices, keyboards, mice, microphones, headphones, and Bluetooth speakers.
Will iMessage be available?
No. iMessage is not permitted to be used and has been restricted via our district’s Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution.
Is FaceTime permitted to work on group projects?
No. FaceTime is not permitted to be used and has been restricted via our district’s Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution.
How will students learn principals of digital citizenship?
All 9th grade students are required to take Digital Foundations; a course founded in the ethical use of technology. Various resources are used in promoting best practices for digital citizenship. These resources include: Digital Driver’s License:
What WiFi network should be used?
While on campus, it is recommended that students connect to the “GASD Students” network. The GASD Student network is a secured network that provides higher speeds and connectivity protocols versus that of our GASD Guest network.
While off campus, it is recommended that students connect to known, WiFi networks such as a password protected home network, or library where available. Please see the following resource for information regarding low-cost internet access:
Are devices filtered for inappropriate content; at home, at school?
Yes. All devices are configured to utilize the district’s content filtering technologies both on and off campus. While off campus, filtering is facilitated through a secured VPN connection that may not be disabled. Students are required to follow the code of conduct and board policies regarding the acceptable use of internet resources.
What should a student do if a video or website is blocked, but needed to complete schoolwork? This procedure remains the same for on and off campus. Students are encouraged to report the blocked website to the teacher from which the assignment was given. The teacher may then place a request with the technology department to be unblocked.
How are updates handled on the devices?
iOS updates for iPads are handled by the district’s Mobile Device Management server. Generally speaking, Apple releases security fixes once per quarter (i.e. once every 3 months), or as needed. When updates become available, the technology department will queue the updates to be downloaded to the student’s device. The student will then be prompted to restart the device to complete the update. Should the student ignore the update for too long, the device will eventually restart without prompt to complete the update process.
What if a student forgets to charge their device?
Students are REQUIRED to bring their mobile device to school each day with a fully charged battery. The device is a learning tool like a textbook, notebook or pencil. Students leaving mobile devices at home may be required to complete their assignments using alternate means (as determined by the teacher).
Will loaner devices be available?
Students will not be given the use of a loaner mobile device if they leave the device at home.
What if the WiFi stops working?
The iPad has great built-in apps that allow for offline work. However, we realize that various assignments may require internet access for research, or the downloading or submission of work. Should WiFi connectivity be a concern for home use, we recommend speaking with your teacher. There may be cases where alternative assignments (i.e. non-internet related) may be given. Please keep communication honest and open with your teacher to promote a positive working relationship.
If WiFi access is unavailable at home, we recommend researching the following resources for internet access:
Xfinity Hotspots:
Affordable High-Speed Internet:
WiFi at the district may seem slow; why is this happening?
The district strives to ensure adequate wireless access coverage and bandwidth in all buildings on campus. Throttling policies are in place on the GASD Guest network to prevent non-school owned devices from consuming unnecessary amounts of internet capacity. Various policies are also in place to limit the amount of internet traffic to non-educational resources such as music/video streaming, gaming, peer-to-peer sharing services, etc. Although your WiFi signal strength may appear to be strong, you may still encounter “sluggish” websites depending on the content being accessed. This is by design in an effort to ensure the availability of appropriate educational resources.
What is the battery life of the iPad?
The estimated battery life is approximately 10 hours of continuous use. As continuous use is not likely, we expect there to be few concerns regarding the iPad’s battery lasting throughout a typical school day. Students are responsible for keeping their device charged, and ready for the school day.
How are device restrictions enforced?
The district leverages a Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution known as Mosyle for Education. All devices are enrolled the the MDM though Apple’s device enrollment program and are “enrollment locked” and “supervised”. This means that any attempt to wipe or restore the device will result in an activation lock.
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