October 28, 2021
Check out the primary & elementary newsletter- The Blue & Gold! See what's happening in GAPS & GAES!
October 25, 2021
We’d like to invite you to our
Virtual Scholastic Book Fair!
Book Fair Dates: October 25 – November 7
Find the fair: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/...
or by scanning the Q...
September 23, 2021
are joining the entire district in Spirit Week to celebrate Homecoming!! SPIRIT WEEK October 4-8 Monday: Wear NEON Tuesd...
August 13, 2021
Just a reminder that Monday, August 16th is our OPEN HOUSE!!!
3rd Grade 5:15-6:15
4th Grade 6:30-7
5th Grade 7:15-7:45
Please bring your child's school supplies in a...
August 12, 2021
Dear GAPS & GAES Families,
The following is information about morning drop-off procedures and afternoon pick-up procedures for the 2021-22 school year.
August 6, 2021
Welcome back, families, to the 2021-2022 school year! We are simply thrilled to begin this new year with renewed energy and optimism. Our GASD staff have worked...
August 6, 2021
The Greencastle-Antrim School District recognizes the equal worth, dignity, and value of each member of our community as part of the human race. We are a diverse community that...
August 4, 2021
Dear Parents / Caregivers,
On behalf of the technology department, we would like to welcome you back to school as we move forward into the 21-22 school year!
Carefully r...
July 22, 2021
Dear parents, please click link below for back to school supplies.
https://GAES Supply List 21-22/vq4r
February 22, 2021
March 26, 2020
Dear GAES Families,
Please know that you are all in our hearts and minds during the COVID-19 school closure. We have been busy here at school continuing t...
February 6, 2021
A special gift to spark the holiday spirit! Our GAHS bands and choir have pulled together a special virtual concert for all of us who are missing the experience that we have come ...